Nurses of Colour (NOC) is a network of Nurses, members of the Nursing field and Student Nurses that identify as People of Colour or Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BME/BAME).

We are members of Nurses United an organisation of frontline nurses for frontline nurses of varying specialities. The Nurses of Colour Network leads on Nurses United’s anti-racist agenda.

We invite you to join us, get organised and political in matters that we cannot ignore!

Our current work is around discussing the impacts racism has upon us.

We have built a tool to report racism in our workplaces and will campaign on our Anti-racist Framework to improve things on the ground.

“BME staff were significantly underrepresented in senior and very senior management (VSM) pay bands… White applicants were relatively more likely to be appointed from shortlisting compared to BME applicants.”

We know this is wrong, our NHS and this Government know this is wrong.

During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we all saw what we already knew, as too many of our colleagues are sadly losing their lives.

Black people are more than 4 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than white people, so we launched the NOC Network to put an end to racism in our health service.

We meet virtually on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month – @ 7PM


Our Plan to win: the Racism Reporting Tool and Anti-racist Framework

Fill in our Racism Reporting Tool to apply pressure to NHS Trusts

Leaflets and social media cards

The only way we’ll win is with your help.

Get involved if you want to put nurses' voices front and centre.

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